Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, sponsored by the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, started publication in 1958, has been bifurcated in 2011, into two series. Now it has been published triannually as:
- Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
Series A: Physical Sciences [ ISSN 2221-6413 (Print); ISSN 2223-2559 (Online)]
(appearing as issues of January-April, May-August and September-December)

- Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
Series B: Biological Sciences [ ISSN 2221-6421 (Print); ISSN 2223-2567 (Online)]
(appearing as issues of January-April, May-August and September-December)

Both appearing three times a year, and publish Full papers, Reviews and short communications.
For Series A: Physical Sciences:
original contributions are entertained in the fields of Biochemistry, Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Polymer Sciences, Geology and Environmental Sciences.
For Series B: Biological Sciences:
original contributions are entertained in the fields of Biology, Agriculture, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Food Sciences, Zoology, Soil Sciences, Bio-technology and environmental sciences.
Each issue is peer reviewed by international referees. This Journal is indexed/abstracted in Zoological Record, BIOSIS Preview, NCBI, Pub Med, Scimago, Research Gate, Clarivate Analytics.
Copyrights of this Journal are reserved;
however, limited permission is granted to researchers for making references, and libraries/agencies for abstracting and indexing purposes according to the international practice.
Printed and Published by:
PCSIR Scientific Information Centre, PCSIR Laboratories Campus, Shahrah-e-Dr. Salimuzzaman Siddiqui, Karachi-75280, Pakistan.